Looking for a happier, less anxious you?

I’m here to help you share your untold story.

I guide people through self discovery using open ended questions and a non judgmental approach. This encourages self trust and empowers you to make lasting changes.

Let's start uncovering your story!

I am Zaira Guerra PG Dip, MBACP an integrative counsellor with over 12 years of experience working for mental health charities and in private practice. I provide face to face and online therapy to adult individuals and couples.

I am specialised in helping adults navigate relationship problems, heal from negative childhood experiences, improve their self esteem and help with cross cultural transition and identity.

If you are reading this, it is because you are thinking about therapy. Starting therapy, especially for the first time, can be scary. I want to make sure we can work well together and that you feel comfortable working with me.

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you”

- Maya Angelou


I am an experienced professional and work with many different issues including the following areas.

Low self esteem

Doubting your own worth & abilities?

Therapy can help. We will explore negative self talk, build self esteem, and create healthier connections.

Boarding school therapy

Struggling with the impact of being sent away from home?

Therapy can help healing the pain and repair the fragmentation of your personality.

Relationships & couple work

Finding it difficult to find, build or repair your relationships?

Therapy can help find connection, improve communication and create stronger bonds.

Cross cultural transition & identity counselling

Feeling like an outsider or struggling to belong?

Counselling can help navigate cultural transitions and embrace your whole self.

“No matter how hard the past is, you can always begin again"

- Jack Kornfield

Are you ready to change?

Let’s work together!

Safe & confidential space

In a compassionate and nurturing space, we can explore your unique self. We will work together to heal past trauma, find deeper self awareness and alleviate pain.

Flexible sessions

Choose online therapy, in person meetings or walk and talk therapy (York only). I offer services in English and Italian.

Experienced professional

I'm a registered member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP), attending regular supervision and adhering to their ethical framework.

Arrange your free 20 minute consultation

If you are interested in starting therapy, please complete the form with as much information as feels safe and comfortable to you right now and I will get back to you to explore the next steps, by email within 2 working days. 

Please note: My working days are Monday to Thursday 09.00-15.00.